


Times of Refreshing Christian Center New York or TORCC NY, is a church full of people that love Jesus and love New York.  As we know, New York City is one of the busiest and most populated metropolises in the world with more than 8 million people living in five boroughs.  In the midst of the unique New York lifestyle or what we call “the New York Grind” enters Jesus Christ. He has been from the beginning and has written everyone of our stories. He loves people – all kinds of people.  His love for New Yorkers is so great that He is reaching out to them through His Church – which are His People, in the City.

It is because of His overwhelming love for us, that we are empowered to love this beautiful city and it’s people with undying passion and purpose. We are committed to showing our cities and our communities that our relationship with God is real, relevant, and relational. It’s more than a religious practice; more than a system of rules and regulations; it’s a lifestyle of total communion and relationship with a God that cares!

Our culture is characterized not by what we do, but through worshipping God in spirit and in truth, empowering people to live a life of total victory and communion, and equipping them to reach their God given destinies and callings. Through the fulfillment of all of these things we will see Heaven and Earth collide.

Whether it’s your first time or you’ve recently become a part of our family, we want to welcome you and also help provide you with greater ways to be informed, connected, and get involved.

Our Vision

We lead people to more than an experience but a total lifestyle and relationship that is real, relevant, and relational with Jesus Christ.

The 3 R's

Real. Relevant. Relational.

Our Code that is threaded into every facet of who we are and keeps the guidelines for our vision and reach clear.

Real Issues; Real Answers

We are made up of real people. We deal with real issues and obtain real answers from the God we love and serve!God is real. He is not a philosophy, He is not imaginary, He especially isn’t organized religion!God’s love and character is perfectly portrayed in the person of Jesus Christ. Jesus dealt with real life issues when He walked on earth, but not always using the conventional methods of His day.Jesus displayed the superior power of the Kingdom of God in dealing with life. He made spirituality and reality connect wherever He ministered.

Relevant Without Compromise

We aim to make the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ as relevant as possible to the people we are reaching out to.All our messages are founded in the Bible. We use the necessary language and allegories that will make the Word of God applicable to everyday life.The Bible, makes it very clear that God is interested in all aspects of life – Family, Business, Politics etc.These spiritual truths are useless, unless we as New Yorkers can live them out and apply them to our every day challenges.However, our relevance must not compromise our commitment to truth.

Relationship Not Religion

Jesus paid the ultimate price to reconcile us to God. That’s how important relationship is to God. Love is who God is.Our reconciliation with God encourages us to restore and rebuild our human relationships on better things.At TORCC NY, we treat people as people and never as statistics. You are an individual with unique gifts and needs.We value who you are and how God made you! Our leadership make it a priority to engage people at their level, and draw out of them the best that God has for their lives.

Foundations Of Faith

TORCC NY is a present day truth church that reaches people with Jesus Christ the truth — Not making an excuse, not wavering, but standing firm on solid foundations.


These core values and keystones define our individuality and keep us authentic to our mandate as a church

People First

The church is made of people not programs, positions, or titles. Jesus died for people and therefore each person is the main thing.

Spirit Centered & Driven

We are filled with the Holy Spirit and allow Him to empower us to share the love, forgiveness, and knowledge of God.

Lifestyle Of Intimacy

We have made it our mandate to move past just experiencing his presence momentarily into living a lifestyle of total communion with Him daily.

God Wants To Communicate

God still speaks to His children in many and various ways, but many have not been taught how to hear the Shepherd’s voice. Jesus said,”My sheep hear My voice”. We are committed to helping the believer discern the voice of the Lord. The prophetic includes both the one speaking and the one hearing the word of the Lord.

Freedom Is A Journey

Predisposed mindsets in the student create strongholds of thought and emotion that need to be destroyed, in order for the student to go forward. Being freed from oppression takes time, deliverance, delicate care and the establishment of the Word of God as the strong tower in our hearts.

Spirituality Does Not Equal Maturity

Immature people can be spiritual. Exercising spiritual gifts or experiencing the supernatural is not a sign of maturity! This is a common mistake people make. Maturity is measured by the fruit of the Spirit, and a consistent Christian life in the believer. The fruit os the Spirit is encouraged above the gifts!