Connecting The Dots
Join us for a Bible study like no other. Actually, this is more than a Bible study, it’s a journey. The journey takes us on an adventure to see the connection between Old Testament & The New Testament, and how everything is connected prophetically. Adventure with us as we share the specific relationship between Jewish customs and beliefs, and Christianity. Through this series, we will begin to see the power in the fact that Jesus did not come to abolish the Law, but fulfill it and in these last days is restoring the house of Israel back to Himself. If you have questions that need answering, want to understand deep Biblical truths, or learn how to study the Bible lead by the Holy Spirit and not just facts, then we encourage you to join us and bring your friends for an adventure in the Word Of God that will reveal Jesus like never before.
*Please be aware that this is not an open discussion format or forum. Sessions will be lead by our leadership team and senior teachers. Questions and workshops of certain topics will be discussed but each Q&A session and forum will be lead and directed by our leaders, as they wait on the Holy Spirit. This is so everyone learns in a safe environment and can feel secure in exploring.
Thank you for your understanding!
We look forward to seeing you there, and to embarking on this adventure together.