Dipping Night
Dipping Night is a special event where visitors can come and be encouraged and exhorted by our prophetic ministry teams. How? Most of our frustrations come from confusion. We know what the Scriptures say about God and His will and how He truly wants to bless and mature us, but sometimes we may need something more specific that will bring the pieces of the ‘puzzle’ together to reveal what the outcomes will be. These gifts are what are commonly called prophecy and the word of knowledge. This ministry will join some of the dots of your life together for clarity and refresh you!
The prophetic ministry of our Church and especially of Dipping Night is about igniting purpose, bringing spiritual maturity, developing a communicative relationship with Jesus, and releasing true identity.
The ministry that is activated and available for our guests is unique to TORCC NY. We believe that God wants to speak to you in such a creative fashion that it cannot be confined to one channel. For this reason, we have established proven ministry platforms that bring what God is saying to life through a variety of methods. Following in the footsteps of great Prophets of the Old & New Testaments, we encourage the creativity of the Holy Spirit to be given freedom of expression.
As a prophetic church our forte is moving in personal prophecy. Generally personal prophecy is not consistently activated in the Body of Christ and can be overlooked as a necessity for spiritual health. Our conviction is that every believer needs to know that God wants to speak to them personally not just corporately. It is from this personal communication that we can develop stronger intimacy and relationship with Jesus. We want our guests to leave knowing that they can and have heard God for themselves and therefore awaken their prophetic gifting. This ministry is built upon the foundations of 1 Corinthians 14:1
“Pursue love, and desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy.”
We promise that after you have received from each ministry platform, you will leave feeling encouraged and positioned for the Will of God in your life.