
The World’s Attempt Vs. God’s Solution To Mental Health

Home Events The World’s Attempt Vs. God’s Solution To Mental Health

Join us as we unpack a much needed conversation on how the church is the one to take back mental health. Hear from real people with real stories, and find real answers. In our day and age, mental health is becoming the number one field that the enemy is targeting believers in. The war is on for our mind, and therefore we need to learn how to put on the mind of Christ and not treat symptoms but get to the root of the fruit.

This will be a jam packed seminar with discussion on eye opening subjects and keys on how to let the Holy Spirit reveal truth and expose the lies of the enemy so that you can walk in total freedom of the soul — the mind, the will, and the emotions.

Join Ife Samms as she shares on her personal journey and testimony of how God set her free and is now using her story to minister to others in the mental health profession both inside and outside of the church. Also supporting Ife in this venture, Dr Robyn, Ps. Tony, and Ps. Nathan will share scriptural and spiritual elements and steps to overcoming the lies of the enemy in this area.

We look forward to hosting you and for all the freedom that God will release. It’s time we as the church take back, what we gave up.

36 “Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.” – John 8:36 New King James Version (NKJV)

Date: Saturday, December 7th, 2019

Registration 2pm
1st Session | 2:30pm – 3:30pm
45 min Lunch break
Q & A Session | 4:15 – 4:30pm
2nd Session | 4:30pm – 6:00pm
60 min Dinner Break
Q & A Session and Group Workshop | 7pm – 7:30pm
3rd Session | 7:30pm – 8:30pm
After Ministry 8:30pm – 9pm

Price: $50
TORCC NY Members + SOAP Students & Alumni: $40.
Bring your questions as we are going to move into activate workshops and discussions with each session. Also, we advise to bring a notebook or a note taking device such as a computer or tablet.

For more information, please email


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